Sanjay Gupta

Sanjay Gupta

Sanjay Gupta
Advocis Member Since: 2018

Sanjay Gupta

Years in Business:

Pre-retired, Self-employed, Professionals, Retired, Medical practitioners, Professional athletes, Caregivers

English, Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Marathi

  • PFA
  • CSC

Area of Expertise:
Business Planning, Charitable Giving, Credit Counselling and Bankruptcy, Cross-border and International Planning, Divorce and Separation Planning, Education Planning, Estate Planning, Faith-Based Investment Planning, High Net Worth, Insurance Planning, Investment Planning, Mortgages and Debt Planning, Planning for those with Disabilities, Post-Retirement Benefits, Retirement Income Planning, Retirement Planning, Severance Planning, Small Business Planning, Succession Planning, Tax Planning, Socially Responsible/Ethical Investment Planning

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