CE Requirements

CE Requirements

Maintaining an Advocis membership, life insurance and securities licences, and professional designations often requires financial advisors and planners to meet specified professional development requirements, most of which include a prescribed number of Continuing Education (CE) hours per reporting period. This ongoing commitment to continuous learning ensures that your scope of knowledge and competence remain current.

Find out more about the specific CE requirements for:

The yearly requirement for Institute destinations is generally a mix of Accredited, Professional Development (PD) and Ethics CE credits. Each of these contribute to the total CE required per year as shown in the chart below.  We recommend that all CE be entered prior to Dec 31st, those with incomplete CE may be selected for audit and their designation(s) deemed not in good standing.  

NOTE: Where two or more designations are held, any applicable CE earned in the current year can be applied to the requirements of all the designations. More information on CE can be found here (Frequently Asked Questions - IAFE)

Minimum Yearly CE Requirements

Designation held Min CE required per year Institute Accredited CE portion General PD CE portion1 Ethics CE portion
CLU 30 CE 15 CE 15 CE 2 CE out of the 30
PFA 20 CE 10 CE 10 CE 1 CE out of the 20
CHS 10 CE Not required2 10 CE 1 CE out of the 10
C.H.F.C. 10 CE Not required2 10 CE None required

1 – General Professional Development (PD) CE can be any course, event or activity that is industry-related and is not tied to the sale or promotion of a product, service or business. Acceptance of PD CE is at the discretion of the Institute and may be audited.

2 – While not required, you are encouraged to take Institute Accredited CE as any course you do take will be automatically added to this tracker. Institute Accredited course can be found here (Continuing Education - Advocis).