National Volunteer Week 2023 – A message from Greg Pollock

Greg Pollock, April 17, 2023

As the importance of professional financial advice continues to grow for Canadians, the need for financial advisors to strengthen our profession and work within their communities through volunteering has never been greater. Advocis is proud to voice our support for National Volunteer Week 2023 
The theme of National Volunteer Week this year is Volunteering Weaves Us Together, which I believe is an ideal reflection of how many of the 17,000+ member-clients of Advocis freely contribute their time to activities such as regulatory efforts, mentorship of new advisors and philanthropic activities within their chapters. By engaging in these efforts, financial advisors impact the security and prosperity of Canadians in a way that connects them fundamentally to the collective health of our society, and to the potential of its future.  
Thank you to our volunteers and to all volunteers across Canada. You are greatly deserving of the celebration that National Volunteer Week represents, and we look forward to the crafting of a stronger and more interwoven social fabric that your work will continue to create  

Greg Pollock
President & CEO
Advocis, The Financial Advisors Association of Canada