Media Relations Policy

Media Relations Policy

Purpose: This policy outlines the rules of engagement for The Financial Advisors Association of Canada’s (“Advocis” or the “Association”) employees, Chapters, Schools, members, and those otherwise engaged in Advocis-related activities, as they pertain to interactions and potential interactions with the news media.

Scope: This policy applies to all statements and/or news releases made or distributed on behalf of Advocis through all authorized Advocis media platforms and outlets, including print, online, digital and social media, in addition to external news media outlets.

Policy Statement: Advocis’ communication practices are guided by the belief that the Association should be a credible, forthcoming source of information. Advocis pursues a culture of openness and a commitment to the dissemination of knowledge and of timely, accurate information that serves to enhance the reputation of Advocis, its members and its affiliates.

Roles and Responsibilities: The Advocis Strategic Engagement Department is responsible for managing news media interactions on behalf of the Association. This includes responding to, and/or coordinating responses to inquiries from journalists; issuing news releases and official statements; and scheduling interviews involving Advocis officials.

The Vice President, Strategic Engagement serves as the main point of contact for all Media requests and inquiries. Guided by the nature or sensitivity of a situation, a senior official may be designated to speak for Advocis under the direction of the Vice President, Strategic Engagement. Advocis staff will work with the designated party official to ensure that statements are appropriate and relevant to the Association’s goals and stature as a respected voice within the financial services industry.

Only authorized individuals appointed by the Vice President, Strategic Engagement is permitted to speak publicly on behalf of Advocis. Chapters and/or members contacted by members of the media for interview or comment must inform Advocis staff prior to engaging in a discussion. Any potential sensitive or contentious media inquiries about Advocis should be directly referred to the Vice President, Strategic Engagement.

Monitoring and Compliance: Advocis is responsible for updating and implementing the Media Relations Policy. Non-compliance with the Media Relations Policy could constitute a violation of the Code of Professional Conduct.


For any inquiries, please contact:

Lucas Di Rocco
Corporate Communications Specialist
Advocis, The Financial Advisors Association of Canada