CE Accreditation


Organizations Requiring CE Update 2024: CE is based on attendance at both half sessions
Advocis® (Membership) 6 CE
The Institute (CLU ®, CHS, PFA designation)1 6 CE, including 1 Ethics
FP Canada®2 6*
British Columbia Insurance Council3 6 CE
Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario3 6 CE
Insurance Council of Saskatchewan 6 CE
Alberta Insurance Council4 4 Life, 2 A&S
Insurance Council of Manitoba5 6 CE
Law Society of Upper Canada6 6 CE
Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada(MFDA) 6 PD
  1. Advocis obtained CE Accreditation for this program from The Institute Accreditation Services. As a result, Advocis confirms that successful completion of this program can be claimed toward meeting the CE requirements for Advocis membership, CLU, PFA, and CHS designation.
  2. *The content is not formally accredited with FP Canada but should be recognised in the Financial Planning category. Please confirm with FP Canada directly.
  3. Based on the CE accreditation decision Advocis obtained from The Institute Accreditation Services Advocis believes this program can be claimed towards the CE requirement for this jurisdiction. It is the responsibility of the licensee to assess the appropriateness of this education for the purpose it is being claimed.
  4. Advocis has obtained an AIC code for this program, which is currently listed on the AIC website at https://licensing.abcouncil.ab.ca/#!/cecourselookup.
  5. Advocis obtained a CE code for this program from the Insurance Council of Manitoba, which is currently listed on the Insurance Council of Manitoba website at https://lms.icm.mb.ca/IcmPortal/Public/CourseSearch.
  6. This program is eligible toward the Law Society’s CPD Requirement as Substantive Hours.  Please note that this program is not accredited for Professionalism Hours.
*Advocis has submitted applications with these jurisdictions to obtain accreditation and application approvals are pending. Based on the CE accreditation decision Advocis obtained from The Institute Accreditation Services, Advocis believes this program can be claimed towards the CE requirement for this jurisdiction. It is the responsibility of the licensee to assess the appropriateness of this education for the purpose it is being claimed.


Organizations Requiring CE Completion of all four modules is required to receive
Advocis® Membership1 8CE
The Institute (CLU®, CHS, PFA designation) * 8CE
FP Canada®2 8FP
British Columbia Insurance Council3 8CE
Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario3 8CE
Insurance Council of Saskatchewan 8CE
Alberta Insurance Council 4 Life, 4 A&S
Insurance Council of Manitoba5 8CE
Law Society of Upper Canada6 8CE
Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA) 8PD
  1. Advocis obtained CE Accreditation for this program from The Institute Accreditation Services. As a result, Advocis confirms that successful completion of this program can be claimed toward meeting the CE requirements for Advocis membership, CLU, PFA, and CHS designation.
  2. *The content is not formally accredited with FP Canada but should be recognised in the Financial Planning category. Please confirm with FP Canada directly.
  3. Based on the CE accreditation decision Advocis obtained from The Institute Accreditation Services Advocis believes this program can be claimed towards the CE requirement for this jurisdiction. It is the responsibility of the licensee to assess the appropriateness of this education for the purpose it is being claimed.
  4. Advocis has obtained an AIC code for this program, which is currently listed on the AIC website at https://licensing.abcouncil.ab.ca/#!/cecourselookup.
  5. Advocis obtained a CE code for this program from the Insurance Council of Manitoba, which is currently listed on the Insurance Council of Manitoba website at https://lms.icm.mb.ca/IcmPortal/Public/CourseSearch
  6. This program is eligible toward the Law Society’s CPD Requirement as Substantive Hours.  Please note that this program is not accredited for Professionalism Hours.

*Advocis has submitted applications with these jurisdictions to obtain accreditation and application approvals are pending. Based on the CE accreditation decision Advocis obtained from The Institute Accreditation Services, Advocis believes this program can be claimed towards the CE requirement for this jurisdiction. It is the responsibility of the licensee to assess the appropriateness of this education for the purpose it is being claimed.